"main.explore_bunker" : " I need to explore Bunker 317.",

"main.find_bunker" : " I need to find Bunker 317.", I need to talk to Alexander Sablin, his former colleague in the Chamber of Commerce, about reinstating him to his former position.", "" : " Trader Yashin from Otradnoye was a prominent member of Krasnoznamenny society, until he was set up and run out of town. "" : " I need to infiltrate the Factory gang at the behest of the Head of Otradnoye.", "" : " Yan, the guard at the south gate, asked me to bring him some cold beer. "" : " I need to kill the «rat» - Grishka - for the village Head.", "" : " The village mechanic isn't around so I repaired the water pump for the superintendent.", Though why she needs them is anyone's guess…", "" : " I need collect five toadstools for Katya from the tavern. "" : " I need to find the bandit «rat» for the village Head.", I need to either talk to their representative in the town's outskirts, or with an informant who can be found at the casino in the city.",

"main.marozov2" : " The mysterious amulet, found on a dead body in Bunker 317, belongs to the Mushroom Cult of Krasnoznamenny. "main.marozov" : " I need to find out the location and fate of General Morozov's expedition.", "" : " The village barkeep in Otradnoye asked me to bring him the copy of “Lord of the Rings” he ordered from the Krasnoznamenny bookstore.", "" : " I need to harvest the crops for the old man Semyon behind his shack.",